Opthalmic Artery
CAn Laziness Put SO Energetic Medical STudents Down;
Central A of retina
Lacrimal A
Post ciliary--> long & short
Supra Orbital
Ethmoidal--> ant & post
Medial palpebral
Supra Trochlear
Dorsal palpebral
internal iliac artery branches..
internal iliac artery branches.."SOMe Intelligent Girls Prove Valuable but I Love Smart Girls"
the first part is for the six branches of anterior division in the order + vaginal A
the italics is for the three branches of posterior division of iia
S- Superior Vesical
O- Obturator
M- Middle rectal
I- Inferior vesical
G- Inferior Gluteal
P- internal Pudendal
V- Vaginal
I L- Illio Lumbar
L S- Lateral Sacral
S G- Superior Gluteal